“Art of painting”, by David Lan-Bar


A In painting there are points of view. Cubism is a point of view, abstract is a point of view. I don't have a social point of view, which I express in painting. I have an artistic view as to precisely how my picture should be. I do not accept half tones, I do not accept empty holes in the canvas. The moment I neglect an area, I feel that there is a cavity in the canvas. If I paint even a slight background, it is as if I gave in to the spectator, which I do not want. If I paint a spot on the background I might as well paint a portrait on the background, there is no difference. Some say that a painting must express a social outlook, or something of the kind. ... But this does not interest me.
I am living anyhow in the atomic age, I am the product of this period and dress like it. There is no need to endeavor to say or paint it. Why should I make a program of it? I am a contemporary, no matter what, and that’s it... Painting is first of all visual art. You paint a spot before you decide what it means, if anything. The energy in the picture is painterly, not to be transferred to any other area.

David Lan-Bar

Ali Mohar, "No Love for Small Things", Dvar Hashavua, September 22, 1972, p. 22.